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Domain Services

Nexus Internet Services is the best place to maximize value for all your domain names.
We have an unequaled service set for your domains. Check out some of those great features...


Free Email Forwarding
Email forwarding is simply forwarding an email. There is no pop box, no outlook/mail client, no webmail. It takes an email at address@yourdomain.com and sends it to another existing email address, such as you@yahoo.com or hotmail.
  • Create up to 100 personalized email addresses and forward them to other email addresses.
  • Create a catch-all (wildcard) email address.
  • No advertising is added to forwarded emails.

Pop3 Email (additional Fee)
POP3 is an actual email mailbox you can set up. You can access this box with an email client like Microsoft Outlook or Netscape, or, you can choose to access it online from anywhere in the world.

  • They come in Email Paks which are bundles of 10 POP3 email addresses associated with one domain at a time. So if you want to add POP email addresses to "example.com", go to this domain, select POP3 for your email service, purchase an Email Pak, and you have 10 POP3 email addresses available on "Example.com".
  • More on POP3
  • Pricing
DNS Hosting
  • Increase the speed and performance of your website by using geographically dispersed name servers.
  • Real-time DNS updates (Dynamic DNS).
  • Create up to 100 "hosts", or sub-domains, under your name.
  • Create a catch-all sub-domain domain
  • Setup all your DNS records: A, MX, CNAME
  • URL Frame and URL Redirectional DNS records at no extra charge
  • Forward/redirect or Frame your domain name to any other URL/website on the web
  • Easily "park" your domain at a page you can customize until you build your site.
  • Pricing
  • Securely keep all your domains in one place.
  • Organize them, sort them, lock them, configure them.
  • Track when they are about to expire and automatically renew your domains before they do.
  • Monitor and list your historical transactions from your account
  • Push names into other Nexus Internet Services accounts.
  • Change whois information
ID Protect
  • Protect yourself from telemarketers, unsolicited emails or spam, and identity theft.
  • Switch your "public" domain registration to a "private" unlisted registration through ID Protect .
  • More on ID protection services
  • Pricing
Are you tired of your current registrar's run-around, poor customer support and limited value-added services? Use our "easy transfer" to switch your domain name service to Nexus Internet Services .
  • With Easy Transfer all you pay for is your regular registration fee for an additional year of service. A full year will be added to the current expiration date of your domain.**Note: The one year wont be added if you have renewed within the last 45 days.
  • Click here to initiate a transfer.
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